CPR Certification Final Test  
1. Brain damage is likely if intervention occurs __________ after the heart stops
2-4 Minutes
6-10 Minutes
More than 10 Minutes
None of the above
2. CPR must be performed if these conditions exist: Unconsciousness and No Breathing and/or No Pulse
3. C in CAB stands for:
4. What is a recommended position for the victim when performing CPR
Lying flat on his/her back on a smooth and firm surface
In an upright sitting position, head up
Lying on the stomach on a smooth and firm surface
None of the above
5. Recommended rate for effective compressions for adult/child is:
80 Compressions per minute
150 Compressions per minute
100 to 120 Compressions per minute
None of the above
6. When Checking for breathing, if you hear gasps:
The victim is breathing normally
Assume the victim is not breathing normally but do not proceed with CPR
Assume the victim is not breathing normally and do proceed with CPR
None of the above
7. It is not important to wait for the chest to come back to its original position after each compression
8. If the victim is breathing normally, but not responding you should
Proceed with administering CPR
Give mouth to mouth
Turn the victim to the side and wait for emergency personnel
None of the above
9. When performing infant CPR, the depth of the compression should be:
2 inches deep
1/3 to 1/2 the depth of the chest
3/4 the depth of the chest
5 cm
10. When administering CPR for children you should :
Do 3 reps of compressions, 30 each with 2 breaths 1 second long, then call EMS
Do 7 reps of compressions, 30 each with 2 breath 1 second long, then call EMS
Call EMS first, then proceed with compression reps until the arrival
Do 5 reps of compressions, 30 each with 2 breaths 1 second long, then call EMS
11. When performing adult CPR, the depth of compression should be:
at least 2 inches deep
2/12 inches deep
3 inches deep
None of the above
12. A in CAB stands for Airway
13. When finding carotid artery, you are looking to check adult or child victim's:
Blood Flow
None of the above
14. Chances of brain death are likely if the heart stopped ________ ago
More than 10 minutes
0-4 minutes
6-8 minutes
None of the above
15. If not comfortable with your abilities to perform CPR, you should:
Overcome discomfort and perform CPR steps anyways
Do not do anything
Call 911 and perform external chest compressions
None of the above
16. What is the most important reason to be aware of your location
In case you get separated from the victim, you know where to find him
When calling 911, you need to inform them of your location
For safety purposes
None of the above
  First Aid Certification Test  
1. The purpose of the first aid guide, which is included in the first aid kit
Guide you through CPR steps
Treatment options for medical emergency
Explains how to use the supplies included in the first aid kit
None of the above
2. Chances of performing successful first aid increase if more than one person is involved
3. If the victim refuses First Aid, what should you do?
Perform First Aid anyway
Do not do anything
Call 911 and stay with the victim until Help arrives
None of the above
4. One of the OSHA's recommendations when coming in contact with bodily fluids, skin or blood:
Inform your supervisor, but calling the doctor as soon as possible
Inform your supervisor, but calling the doctor is not necessary
No need to inform anyone, just wash the affected area
None of the above
5. If the victim sustained broken bone or strain, you can:
Raise the injured part, as long as it does not cause more pain
Give mouth to mouth
Turn him to the side and wait for EMS
None of the above
6. When the victim is choking, his/her air passage is blocked
7. One of the key steps in Heimlich Maneuver is
Perform upward thrusts for 3 minutes then lay the person on his/her side
Perform 5 reps of upward thrusts
Perform upward thrusts on the victim until the item is forced out or ambulance arrives
None of the above
8. In case of 3rd degree burn, it is not recommended to remove clothing stuck to the skin and apply fluids to the wound
9. Common food types that can cause allergic reaction are:
Apples and oranges
Eggs, peanuts or chocolate
Seeds, onions or garlic
None of the above
10. Injury to abdominal should be treated as internal injury
11. What is the second priority in treating bleeding wound, like cut or scrape
Apply bandage or clean cloth
Put ice on the wound
Keep the wound clean to minimize any chances of infection
None of the above
12. Dangerous nosebleeds, while rare, originate in the back artery of the nose and are complicated to treat
13. The biggest danger with non bleeding wound is
Difficulty to assess damage
Insuring the victim's survival before arrival of EMS
No known treatments
None of the above
14. When faced with the victim you suspect has suffered an internal injury, one of the steps you must take:
Put the victim in the horizontal position on his back, and make sure he/she does not move
Put the victim on his/her side and call 911
At minimum call 911 and perform chest compressions
None of the above
15. When sustaining electrical burn, you must consult the doctor as soon as possible
16. When should you suspect head, neck or back injury? Choose the best answer
Car or motorcycle accident
Fall from height
All of the above
17. Before administering First Aid, you must always make sure that the scene is safe for you and the victim
18. You should suspect head injury if the victim is experiencing the following symptoms
Trouble Walking or Moving
None of the above
19. If the victim is unresponsive, you should:
Call 911 and leave
Stay with the victim but do not perform First Aid
Proceed with CPR/First Aid as soon as possible
None of the above
20. When suspecting head injury, you should also suspect neck and/or spine injury as well
21. In case of a nosebleed that persisted for more than 15 minutes, you should
Apply pressure to the nose
Call 911 for help
Call 911 and leave the scene
None of the above
22. If the victim is responsive, you should introduce yourself and offer help