The steps for performing CPR for children are similar to adult; however, there are key differences which are essential to remember.
Difference 1: Assuming there is no one to help, in adult scenario it is better to call 911 prior to initiating CPR. In case of a child, initiate CPR prior to calling 911. Perform 5 reps of 30 compressions with two mouth to mouth breaths in between. Once done, then phone 911.
Difference 2: While checking for signs of life, listening to breathing, also place your index and adjacent finger on the victim's carotid artery to feel for pulse, and while counting from 10 to 0 besides listening for breathing, determine if the victim also has a pulse (watch the video on the next page for more detail).
Difference 3: When performing compressions, depending on the size/age of the child you may use one or two hands.
Difference 4: The depth of the compression should be 1/3 to 1/2 the depth of the chest, oppose to at least 2 inches in adult scenario.
